Music Production 

Live Sound 
After I worked for several rental companies I started joining bands as a Front of House sound engineer. Because I am a musician too, bands often say that they feel like one of the band members is behind the mixing desk. A "5th Beatle", so they say.
I tend to mix bands to  higher levels and atmosphere. Dub mixing, space echo riding, riding all kinds of weird fx; that's all me!

Sound Design
Howdy, I am Rutger Drenth (09-11-1983)

Since I can remember I was always hooked on music and sound as a medium. So I'd better try to make a living out of it. I learned from in the rehearsal room, to local sound rental companies, to a Bachelor of Arts & Technology degree, a billion travelling miles, a couple albums and a bunch of tapes until now and every other single day I'll be on this planet.
Music is emotion, energy, euphoria and time. So it needs to be addressed in the best way possible!
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